A dramatic video from Lopburi, Thailand shows a dog running to the rescue of a puppy having trouble keeping its head above water in a fish pond. NowThis posted a surveillance camera video to their Instagram that captured a white dog named Soh being rescued by a larger dog named Hand.
Soh definitely appears to be struggling and calling out when, out of nowhere, Hand rushes to the rescue and pulls the dog out of the fish pond. Hand clearly could hear that Soh was in danger because it ran to its aid with purpose.
We often say we “don’t deserve dogs,” and after watching this video it’s pretty clear that sometimes, dogs may feel the same way. The video shows that dogs can have an innate empathy for one another. Hand could have dismissed Soh’s cries and thought, “More food for me,” but instead, the larger dog stepped up and saved the pup.
u201cSurveillance footage captured the moment a heroic dog in Lopburi, Thailand, sprang into action to rescue a fellow puppy that was stuck inside a pond in their human’s yardu201d — NowThis (@NowThis)