Home » Israel and Hamas reach deal on Gaza ceasefire and hostage release

Israel and Hamas reach deal on Gaza ceasefire and hostage release

A ceasefire deal has been reached to end 15 months of fighting in Gaza, Hamas and Israeli officials and a source briefed on the negotiations told NBC News on Wednesday.

A ceasefire deal has been reached to end 15 months of fighting in Gaza, Hamas and Israeli officials and a source briefed on the negotiations told NBC News on Wednesday.
The hard-won agreement will also free dozens of hostages held in Gaza, as well as Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, bringing the first real break in violence since a weeklong truce expired Dec. 1, 2023.

Thenewfollowsweeksof talksbrokeredbytheUnitedStates,QatarandEgypt, amida brutalwinterforciviliansin the Gaza Strip, aswellasdramaticdevelopmentsacrosstheMiddleEastthathavedealtsetbackstoIran,anIsraelifoe. IsraelandHamashavenotofficiallyannouncedadeal.EarlierWednesday,adiplomaticsourceinWashingtontoldNBCNewsthat IsraeliPrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu waspreparingtomeetwithhissecurityCabinet,whereapprovalofthedealwasexpectedquickly. HewouldthentakethepacttothefullCabinet,whichisalsoexpectedtoapprove.  Israel’sSupreme