Humans have been writing poetry for thousands of years, communicating feelings and ideas in beautiful, powerful ways that prose just can’t quite reach. Poetry can be hard to define, but you know it when you see it—or rather, when you feel it.
Emily Dickinson once wrote, “If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.” A poem hits you somewhere—your brain, your heart, your gut. And one poem that packs an incredibly moving punch has come from an unlikely source—an elderly woman with dementia.
Poet Joseph Fasano shared a message from a fan who shared that they had brought his book, “The Magic Words: Simple Poetry Prompts That Unlock the Creativity in Everyone,” to their mother, a 92-year-old former ballet dancer living with dementia. The mother was excited to write a poem, and they slowly worked through a prompt from the book together aloud.
This poem was the result:
— (@)