Home » 9-year-old wows ‘America’s Got Talent’ audience with powerful original song

9-year-old wows ‘America’s Got Talent’ audience with powerful original song

Watching musically gifted children never gets old. Whether you credit it to being born under a lucky star, or a simple case of good genetics, it does at least feel like something of a miracle.
That was certainly the feeling evoked when shy 9-year-old Journeyy Belton stepped onto the stage for “America’s Got Talent” on July 23, 2024, and blew audiences away with his powerful original song “Paradise.”
Showing off not just an incredibly soulful voice that belied his age, Journeyy also shared his exceptional songwriting skills as he brought to life an imaginary dream world filled with “purple clouds” and “automatic lullabies.”
Listen below and tell me this kid doesn’t remind you of Sia:

9-Year-Old Journeyy Sings Original Song, “Paradise” | Auditions | AGT 2024


Theincredibleperformancewowedthejudges,theliveaudienceandonlineviewersalike,manyofwhomhailedthekidayoung“musicalgenius.” “Ihaveneverfeltsounskilled,”onepersonjoked.“Thischildhassomuchtalent!Ican’twaittoseethemgrowtheirmusic.” Anotherpraised,“Hisabilitytohearandcreatemelodies,thesophistica