Home » Zoo in Michigan proudly welcomes the arrival of two adorable baby bintlets

Zoo in Michigan proudly welcomes the arrival of two adorable baby bintlets

Michigan’s Potter Park Zoo was thrilled to announce the arrival of some new residents in 2022: bintlets.
You might be asking yourself, Um, just what is a bintlet? Well, bintlets are baby binturongs, fascinating creatures that hail from the rainforests of Southeast Asia where they love to hang out in the lush treetops. They’re one of the few animals with a prehensile tail, meaning it can hold and manipulate objects.

Binturong: The bearcat that is neither bear nor cat.


Though they are often called “bearcats” due to their hodgepodge appearance, binturongs are neither bear nor cat. They belong to the Viverridae family, a very unique species group containing all seemingly cat-like critters, though none are actually felines. According to Britannica, they have even been reported to be affectionate pets, much like the domestic house cat. But still—not cats. Very misleading.