Home » A group gave 105 homeless people disposable cameras. These are the photos they took.

A group gave 105 homeless people disposable cameras. These are the photos they took.

In 2016, a group of 105 homeless people gathered at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.
Each of them was given a disposable camera and told to take pictures that represent “my London.”
The photos were entered in an annual contest run by London-based nonprofit Cafe Art, which gives homeless artists the chance to have their work displayed around the city and—for some of the photographers who participate in the yearly challenge—in a print calendar.

“Some people have had experience, and others have never picked up a camera before,” said Paul Ryan, co-director of Cafe Art.
The program, Ryan explained, includes mentorship and training from professional volunteers at the Royal Photographic Society, including winners of the contest from previous years—many of whom are ultimately inducted into the society themselves.

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