It’s already great news when a lost pup finds its way back home. But it’s even better when the story involves a movie star.
When her beloved dachshund named Blue disappeared, Chelsea Blackwell did what any distraught dog mom would do—she immediately went searching for him. She desperately drove through the streets of New York for an hour before seeing a line of squad cars and people with cameras near the Greyhound bus station in Albany.
Blackwell had prepared for even more bad news. “I pulled over and thought, oh man, did someone get shot?” she told local publication Times Union Albany.
As she would soon find out, Blackwell had just made it one huge step closer to finding Blue, along with a celebrity surprise.
Blackwell had actually stumbled onto a filming location rather than a crime scene. Resuming her search, she began to ask the film crew if anyone had seen a small brown dog. To her shock, the answer was yes, someone had found a small brown dog. Not just anyone, in fact, but a household name.
Blackwell was in disbelief until about an hour later when a car pulled up and she saw Blue sitting in the lap of none other than Hilary Swank.