Having a child who’s a picky eater can be highly frustrating for parents. It can mean cooking meals that go to waste, having to plan ahead when going to someone else’s house, and late nights in bed worrying if your child is getting proper nourishment. Popular TikToker Becca Marotta had it up to her neck with her son’s picky eating habits, so she tried something out of the box, and it worked.
“Welcome to my new series that I just made up, making my picky eater of a son make all of his own food. That sounds a lot meaner than it actually is,” Marotta joked in her video with over 96,000 views. “My son is the pickiest eater on the damn planet. So, I told him start finding videos of food that you think looks good. I’m gonna buy all the ingredients. I’m gonna help you make it and for some reason, it’s working cause it’s giving him the incentive to eat the food. And today he chose these beefy tacos. They were so good, and I was so proud of him; he ate the entire thing.”