Home » Blake the rescue Rottweiler is winning hearts and blowing minds with his singing duet

Blake the rescue Rottweiler is winning hearts and blowing minds with his singing duet

When a dog howls along to music, are they complaining because the music hurts their ears, or are they actually trying to sing along?
Most likely, it’s the latter—or something like it. According to the American Kennel Club, research shows that canines do actually have a sense of pitch and can differentiate between different tones. That ability stems from their wolf ancestors, who each howl at a different pitch as more and more wolves join in on a group howl.
So when Blake the rescue Rottweiler joins his owner in a viral TikTok video duet, perhaps he’s really trying to “sing” along with her. Whether he’s singing or howling or a mixture of both, it’s as impressive as it is entertaining.

Blake’s owner starts her video singing, “I’m about to go lay down,” as Blake looks around and moves his mouth like he’s getting ready to chime in. When she hits a particularly forceful note, he joins her with a gruff howl.
The two sing along together for a bit, but it’s the moment when he actually matches her pitch and then appears to harmonize with her that has people rolling. Watch:

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