Home » Death doula reveals the big lesson working with the dying has taught her about happiness

Death doula reveals the big lesson working with the dying has taught her about happiness

Death is a highly complicated and mysterious subject that rightfully makes a lot of us uncomfortable. But, according to Alua Arthur, a death doula who is an expert on the topic and works closely with the dying and their families, by embracing this uncomfortable fact of life, we can all find more joy in the time that we have left.

Arthur, a former lawyer, experienced a life-changing moment in Cuba when he met a traveler battling uterine cancer. Their time together changed her perspective on life. “We spent the 14-hour bus ride talking about her life and also her death,” she recounted in a 2023 TED Talk. “And it was a highly illuminating conversation. I heard firsthand how hard it was for her even to be able to talk about her fears around mortality and her disease because people censored their own discomfort with mortality rather than make space for her.”
