Home » Why Gen X—’the forgotten generation’—might just make the best grandparents

Why Gen X—’the forgotten generation’—might just make the best grandparents

Generation X came of age with The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink, fought our way through the young adult years with Reality Bites and Friends, and managed the madness of middle age with Modern Family and The Office.
Now the “MTV generation” (yes, we really have been defined by our entertainment as much as anything else) is hitting a new life milestone as our kids start having babies. That’s right, Gen Xers are becoming grandparents. The Brat Pack are turning into “The Golden Girls.” Seems unreal, yet here we are.

The Breakfast Club is having grandbabies.


But no need to fret too much, slackers, because Gen X is not destined to be typical grandparents. We’ve already begun to establish that fact with our resistance to being called Grandma or Grandpa or any variation thereof. Gen X wants its own nicknames to match our unconventional, non-conformist vibe. Call us Bubs and Gigi. Popo and Yaya. Skipper and Queenie. Anything but Gramps and Gran, please.
We need cool nicknames because Gen Xers will inevitably be the coolest grandparents ever. After all, we’re the coolest generation. It’s just a fact. Everyone knows it.