Home » Fire chief explains how Gene Hackman’s dog helped first responders at the scene

Fire chief explains how Gene Hackman’s dog helped first responders at the scene

One of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa’s surviving dogs played a role in helping investigators find their bodies last month, the Santa Fe fire chief said.

One of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa’s surviving dogs played a role in helping investigators find their bodies last month, the Santa Fe fire chief said.
Santa Fe Fire Chief Brian Moya told NBC News’ Liz Kreutz that investigators quickly found the body of Arakawa after a 911 caller alerted them to the scene, but it took first responders several minutes to locate Hackman.

Oneofthecouple’ssurvivingdogsbeganbarkingatthemandappearedtobeleadingthemtothemudroomofthehome,wheretheyfoundHackman’sbody,Moyasaid. “Itwasaheartfeltstory,youknow,inatragiccase,”Moyasaid.“Aman’sbestfriendisadog,andthedogwastryingto,onelasttime,letthemknowthathisownerwasdownandthatweneededtogetovertheretohelp.” HackmanandArakawawerefounddeadalongwithoneoftheirdogsonFeb.26intheirhomeinSantaFe,NewMexico,andwerelaterfoundtohavediedseparately,severaldaysapart,officialssaid. Hackmandiedofhypertensiv