Home » Man reunites with dog in emotional video after evacuating Palisades Fire: ‘Thank you God’

Man reunites with dog in emotional video after evacuating Palisades Fire: ‘Thank you God’

A California man cried tears of joy after being reunited with his rescue dog, Oreo, whom he feared was lost amid the devastating Pacific Palisades fire.

A California man cried tears of joy after being reunited with his rescue dog, Oreo, whom he feared was lost amid the devastating Pacific Palisades fire. 
NBC News’ Liz Kreutz shared on her Instagram Jan. 11 that resident Casey Colvin of the Pacific Palisades, where the largest wildfire is currently burning in Southern California with only 11% containment, was searching for his two dogs. 

“ImetCaseyColvintheveryfirstdayofthefire.HewasindistresstryingtogetbacktohishomeinthePalisadestogethistwodogs,OreoandTikaTikaTika,”Kreutzsaid.  SheclarifiedonXthatColvinwasn’thomewhentheevacuationorderwasputinplaceandwas“desperatelytryingtogetbackhometogetthem.” KreutzsaidafirefighterspoketoColvinandwenttohishometoseeifhecouldretrievehisdogs.Thefirefighterreturnedwithonedog,TikaTikaTika,butsaidOreohadrunoutofthehouseandwasmissing.  “Caseytoldmethathourslaterhishomeburnedtotheground.Hadthatfirefighternot