Home » Someone kept a log of the weird, hilarious stuff their husband has said while sleep-talking

Someone kept a log of the weird, hilarious stuff their husband has said while sleep-talking

My wife occasionally talks in her sleep, but it’s mostly unintelligible grunts. If she actually spoke in coherent sentences of absurd one-liners, I probably wouldn’t get much rest. In a recent viral post, someone documented the weirdness their husband has said mid-snooze. Are these profound dream images, just waiting to be decoded? Are they merely nonsense? You be the judge.
The quotes, shared on Reddit, are presented in a screenshot from the notes app on the user’s phone. We’ll refrain from sharing some of the more explicit responses, but here are a few of our SFW favorites:

Trying To Sleep Season 13 GIF by The Simpsons


–“Nuglyassfaceshowontheroad” Notsurewhattomakeofthis,butitsoundsangry. –“Everyonegetsapirateeye” Thismakesmelaughbecause“pirateeye”seemslikeitcouldbeareferencetoapirate’seyepatchoraslurredversionof“privateeye” –“Ineedatunktunk” –“Gotothehenroom,gotothehenroom!!!!” Thesenseofurgencyiscriticalhere. –“Orangesoggytentacles” NowIfinallyhaveanameformy