Home » Two 87-yr-olds who’ve been friends for 75 years share the keys to sustaining a friendship

Two 87-yr-olds who’ve been friends for 75 years share the keys to sustaining a friendship

Friendships often come and go in life as we move to new places, enter different life phases, or grow and change as people. But some friendships last through it all, weaving threads of connection and support throughout the decades. These treasured relationships give us countless shared memories—experiences, joys, and challenges—and sometimes they end up lasting longer than any other relationship a person has.
Take Barbara and Anne, for example. These two 87-year-olds went to grammar school and high school together and have been friends for 75 years. They’re now both widowed and live next door to one another, and they shared with Kalina Silverman of Make Big Talk the key to seeing their friendship flourish over the years.

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“Webothlostourhusbands.andthatevenbroughtusevenclosertogether,”sharedAnne.“NowBarbaralivesrightnextdoortome,sowe’rehookedintoeachothereveryday,whichisagoodthingbecauseinoldage?Nicetohavefriendsaroundyou.” Whenaskedwhatkeyistosustainingafriendship,thewomencitedtwothings:travelandlotsoflaughter. “Youknow,thetruetestofafriendshi